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Friday, 25 February 2011

New Green and Black Puffle Pins!

First, the green one:

Brainiax Fact: My green puffle is NOT called Aunt Arctic (who invented that rumour? Cos you sure know how to spread the word). My green puffle is called St Patrick. And because red & blue were out before - I Don't have a blue puffle and my red one is NOT called Yarr (same dude?) it's called RockhopperII (but you were nearer that time)

now the black one:

Brainiax Fact #3: i don't have a black puffle except the EPF one, which is called Flare (like it is). If I got a black puffle I would either call it 'DK BBQ' (don't ask), Sparks or something else really cool.

I know: this challenge is to come up with names for a black puffle - I'll pick the top 5 and add a poll, whichever wins I'll buy a black puffle and call it that :) Yes, you can use DK BBQ and Sparks.

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