I own this site and http://brainiax8doesclubpenguin.wordpress.com/
I will primarily blog on my other site, this one is for custom graphic making.
I intend to hire authors to help make graphics for me.
So, if you want to be an author/graphics maker just email me brainiax8@gmail.com
answering the following questions:
1) What is your penguin name?
2) Do you have a blog, if so can you give me the link
3) What position would you like?
4) A few examples of your work
i) if applying to be a blogger, some posts
ii) if applying to be a graphics designer, some graphics
5) Why do you think you should work here
6) What other skills (if any) can you bring?
put either "Author application" or "GFX designer application" in the subject line.
You can apply for both being an author and a graphics designer in ther same email, or in different ones.
I will try get back to you asap.
Brainiax 8
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