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Friday, 23 December 2011


Saturday, 9 July 2011

Explanation of the EPF classes

You will have noticed the different EPF classes and may have wondered what the distinction between them is - questioning what each different class does, or what's special and unique to that certain class. Well, at the end of this week's field op (Mine Lake, snowball machine generator) Jet Pack Guy, the Tactical Lead explains:
~Brainiax 8

Club Penguin Nyan Puffle and Nyan Herbert

OFFICIAL Club Penguin Penguin Band Music Video: Better Days

Monday, 30 May 2011

May Medieval Party 2011 Quests cheats

Sorry it took so long to upload - it's kinda a HUGE file to get up.

How to defeat the Hydras:
You guys have probs already figured how to defeat them but if not, it's easy enough:

Don't stand on the glowing floor areas, throw snowballs at the cauldron above it's head so it lands on it. Repeat until it dies.

Stand on the floor areas that light up while wearing the shield from the last room so it's rays reflect back.

Don't stand on the shining floor areas and throw snowballs at it until it dies - it's dies quicker if you aim for the mouth.

Once you have killed all three without any repairing themselves you open the bridge.

Medieval Catalog Update

You guys can now get the Purple Dragon and the Lute. As well as the Purple Dragon Feet
and the Bracers when you click on the blue tabard and the Torc when you click on the red tabard. These items are 300C and 200C respectively.
Brainiax 8

New Beta Access Game!

I quite literally just clicked on a YouTube link that sent me to this page on Mimo's site. A new beta access game called Fluffy the fish sa-weet! Hmmm, I should probably visit Mimo a bit more often.

Herbert and Klutzy controlling Hydras?

OK, not in my last post but in the one before that there's a sneak peek pic. If you look at it, it looks like Herbert and Klutzy are controlling the Hydras (yellow and blue) from the last knight's quest. This begs the question: who or what was controlling the other one?
Leave a comment letting us know who you think it is.
Also, what is Klutzy doing with a spanner/hand wrench thing in his hand? Leave a comment below-oh-oh!!

-Brainiax 8

New Stamp: Noble Knight

Name: Noble Knight
Where: Medieval Party
How: Wear a Knight Costume

-Brainiax 8

Top Secret EPF Update

This message is for secret agents. If you're not an EPF agent yet, ask someone for an invitation to take the Test... 

Hello Penguins Agents!

Thanks for helping to keep the island safe during the Medieval Party! It's been great seeing so many of you equipped with all the latest EPF gear. 

The team is really excited about the next thing they've been working on for Elite Agents... an epic encounter with a certain polar bear. I'll let you in on a little secret... Herbert is planning something big, and it could be an attack on the EPF! Stay on alert, agents! 

As you may have heard, you'll need to work together on this one. Here's a sneak peek:
We can't wait to hear your thoughts, agents! Let us know what you think Herbert and Klutzy are up to in the comments.

Until then... Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team

By Billybob on May 27 2011 06:52

Reviewed By You: For Agents Only

The Post:
Agents Only
Hello Penguins!

It's time for this week's Reviewed by You. Last week, we asked what your favorite part of the Medieval Party was. Lotzki1 said:

This is the BEST party of the year! I looove the quests and I like how they are really challenging! The defeating the Hydra quest is an awesome idea because you work together with other penguins to defeat the monster. I also love the decorations! Keep up the awesome work, Club Penguin Team!

Thanks Lotzki1! Glad to hear that you like the Medieval Party so much! And thanks to everyone else that sent in their comments!

This week, we want to hear from secret agents. If you're not an Elite Agent yet, then you may not want to read this next part, because we're talking about some classified information. 

Agents: we want to hear from you about a certain polar bear that has been threatening the EPF for some time. What's been about your favorite moment with Herbert P. Bear, Esquire so far? Let us know about it in the comments!

Write your review as a short comment (50-75 words, please!) We'll pick one comment to feature in next week's Reviewed By You. If your review is featured next week, we'll add 10,000 coins to your account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add the coins! 

Until then... Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team
By Billybob on May 29 2011 08:41

Billybob - Dragon Costume Update

Hello Penguins,

We've received a few emails from penguins saying they can't purchase the newly released Purple Dragon costume.

UPDATE: The Purple Dragon costume is available now! Thanks for your patience, everyone.

In other news... Many of you have been asking us about a certain polar bear and whether or not you'll be seeing him soon. I'll have some news about that for you guys tomorrow here on the blog, too!

Until then... Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team
By Billybob on May 27 2011 04:31

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Medieval Party Secrets

So, the walkthrough and Hydra battle vids should be up soon. Here's one of the pins and PURPLE wizard hat. Because that took a lot of thought. Jokes.
And if you've forgotten here's how to get the other pin:
And you know how when Club Penguin made a blue dragon costume  they added the blue wizard hat too. Well, now they've added the purple wizard hat (sorry, it's big) they are probably going to add a purple dragon costume . Thanks Laki5628 for the picture.

Brainiax 8

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Embed my April 2011 Cheat Series

Post Size
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Sidebar Size
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Monday, 25 April 2011

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Ultimate Rockhopper Tracking Chat 2011

trackingle.png (572×166)
Welcome to the Club Penguin Rockhopper Tracking Chat!
Below are some tips to help you find Rockhopper:
1. When tracking Rockhopper, make sure that you are checking major servers such as Mammoth, Abominable, and Blizzard.
2. Rockhopper is constantly on the move, switching servers every 15 minutes or so. Make sure to keep that in mind when you are tracking him.
3. Take a look in the Migrator, Pizza Parlor, and Cove. These are the Rooms that Rockhopper is known to be active in.
4. Rockhopper is a red penguin with a pirate hat and beard. He is usually a tad larger than the other penguins, so spotting him shouldn’t be a problem.
5. If you are faced with large crowds, make sure to check your “in room” list. This list shows you every penguin in the same room as you. If you see Rockhopper, his avatar will be smiling.
6. Last, have fun and keep trying. We know it is not easy but with our tips and chat, you will be on your way to finding Rockhopper!

NEW Club Penguin Earth Day Video!

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Happy77 Puffle Videos

New videos from Happy77 - will there be more for the other puffles and will CP release one with a new puffle??

Penguin not in igloo cheat: Stickyellow5
^^^^ check out this blog post by my bz Sticky!! ^^^^

New puffle erasers

So new puffle erasers? Thanks Stickyellow5 for the pic!
These could go well in the two different Club Penguin pencilcases! In UK Disney Stores they're all half price now - and Card Jitsu Water cards are now available!!!

Brainiax 8

New Pet Shop

Old pic:

Reviewed By You Post:
Hello Penguins!

Thanks for all the great jokes last week! The team loved reading all your different pet jokes. Here's one we liked from Gibbygirl1:

Q.What's a brown puffle's favorite food?
A.Nuts and bolts!

Good one, Gibbygirl1!

For this week's Reviewed By You, we want to give you a sneak peek of the new Pet Shop! We want to hear what you think before it launches next week. What do you like best about it? Let us know in the comments!

We'll publish one of your comments (50 - 75 words) in next week's Reviewed By You. If your review is featured next week, we'll add 10,000 coins to your account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add the coins!

Until then... Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team